Pints & Politics: Bromley
25 Feb 2025
6.00 pm - 10.00 pm
45 East Street
Steve Gosling, our Bromley area representative, invites you to join us for drinks at the Railway Tavern - first round kindly on Steve.
We are looking forward to discussing local, national and international issues (as well as anything else...) with like-minded people.
It can’t have passed your notice that there’s an extremely controversial individual in control of the world’s largest military. His actions and those of his billionaire sidekicks may have caused you some minor consternation. Rather than tutting at the radio, alone, why not join us and we can all tut along together.
We might even talk about how we can avoid the same outcome here.
Ps. We understand that pubs are not for everyone, and will be looking to do run a similar event at a café later in the Spring.
We hope to see you there!