Another day, another PM

The Tory leadership merry-go-round may have resulted in the coronation of a new unelected leader - but that doesn't help families in Bromley and across the country struggling to heat their homes and put food on the table.
Instead of focusing on bringing down rampant inflation and supporting working families through tough financial times, the Tory soap opera has caused spiraling mortgage rates and higher government borrowing costs. Next up: aggressive spending cuts to already stretched public services.
Much of the chaos of the last month or so was completely avoidable. It was directly caused by an incompetent Tory government. They made costly mistakes that we will all be paying for over the coming months and years.
Rishi Sunak has pledged to restore integrity to government. Yet one of his very first actions was to install Suella Braverman as Home Secretary. Just one week ago she resigned after admitting a serious security lapse that breached the Ministerial Code. In what other walk of life do you get re-hired one week after resigning for causing a serious security breach? With a single decision Sunak has shown he will prioritise party management ahead of choosing the best ministers to deliver for the UK. The Home Secretary's role is too important to be about pleasing one particular wing of your party. It's irresponsible.
There is another way. The government should admit what we all can see - that it has failed, run out of ideas and has collapsed into a back-biting reality TV show. It's entertaining to see a lettuce last longer than a PM, but it's really no way to run a country. Instead, the people of the UK deserve an opportunity to have their say on the direction of their country. We need a general election now. We need to throw out this tired, dysfunctional Tory party - a party that only seems to care about holding on to power no matter the cost. It's time for change.
That's why the Liberal Democrats are pushing legislation to force a General Election this December. Join our campaign to push for a democratic vote on the direction of the country and who we want to lead us there. No one voted for the disastrous decisions the Tories have foisted upon us.