Supporting Refugees and Asylum Seekers

At the meeting of Bromley Council on 17th July, the Liberal Democrats proposed a motion that would improve liaison between Council, statutory organisations and voluntary groups to work together to support asylum seekers in a similar way that the Council did for Ukrainian refugees.
Cllr Will Connolly appealed to the Council - "We must actively engage with our local partners, including other levels of government, non-profit organisations, and community groups. Together, we can enhance our preparedness and provide a comprehensive support system, as Officers have done so brilliantly with Ukraine. We should closely monitor the quality of services provided by the Home Office’s local contractors responsible for accommodation and meals to ensure that the basic needs and rights of those seeking refuge in our borough are met. Public awareness is essential in building understanding and support within our community. We must provide clear and accessible public information about the Council’s role in supporting refugees and asylum seekers."
Unfortunately the Labour group decided to bulldoze the motion by tabling an amendment that politicised the issue. Their amendment condemned the Home Office delays in processing asylum cases, criticised the amount of money being paid to the private companies managing the placement of asylum seekers and more. As Cllr Julie Ireland said, we agree with those comments, but it was not within the control of the Council and to politicise the motion just guaranteed that it would fail - there was no way that the Conservative group would support such a motion and therefore removed any chance that a constructive, pragmatic and reasonable motion could be carried. There was some broad support for our original motion at the Council meeting, but in the end our motion failed as both the Conservatives and Labour opposed it.
The text of the full motion was:
Bromley Council, like other authorities, has a responsibility to house refugees and asylum seekers. The Council recognises the importance of supporting these individuals and the local community. While the Home Office leads the support for refugees and asylum seekers, the Council plays a role in ensuring they receive the necessary local services.
Council appreciates the valuable work to set up and run the Ukrainian Support Hub and aims to expand on its success. Additionally, Council acknowledges the generosity of the voluntary sector in the borough, which is eager to collaborate with the Council in supporting the new arrivals.
Therefore, Council recommends that the Executive:
1. Establish a Support Hub Service to coordinate local services and connect refugees and asylum seekers with other available support.
2. Collaborate with local partners, including other levels of government, non-profit organisations, and community groups, to ensure the effective delivery of services and support to refugees and asylum seekers in the borough, with a particular focus on preparedness for their arrival.
3. Serve as a liaison with the Home Office regarding the welfare of refugees and asylum seekers in the borough, with a strong emphasis on monitoring the quality of services provided by the Home Office's local contractors responsible for accommodation and meals.
4. Provide public information about the Council's role in supporting refugees and asylum seekers in the borough.
5. Allocate resources from existing budget allocations to operate the Support Hub and advocate for additional funding and support from other sources.