Biggin Hill Airport - Noise Action Plan

The public gallery at Bromley Council was full on Tuesday evening (18th October) to discuss progress on the Biggin Hill Airport Noise Action Plan. The Lib Dems used this opportunity to reiterate the party's opposition to any expansion of the airport and to urge the CAA to move ahead with the approval for the new approach to runway 03 which will deliver noise reductions in surrounding areas including Farnborough, Crofton and Petts Wood.
Several residents asked questions to the Council and received assurances that there will be full consultation and a full debate as soon as the CAA announces its decision on Runway 03 - Councillor Christopher Marlow the portfolio holder assured residents it would be received before the end of the year and that the Noise Action Plan would then be subject to full consultation with residents and would come back before the Executive Scrutiny Committee for consideration in January.
Residents expressed their frustration and concerns that Biggin Hill Airport are not sticking to the terms of the licence granted to them by Bromley Council in 2015 that extended the number of movements to 125,000 and approved longer operating hours. There was concern that Webtrak was not picking up helicopter flights and that these movements are therefore being excluded from the cap.
Lib Dem representative Cllr Julie Ireland reiterated the Lib Dems' opposition to ANY expansion of Biggin Hill Airport (unlike any other political group on the Council), and said that had they had representation on the Council in 2015 they would have voted against the increased number of movements. However, she welcomed the plans for runway 03 to use an instrument landing system (ILS) - which is the issue that is currently waiting approval from the CAA - thereby enabling a different route of approach, and avoiding aircraft noise in areas like Farnborough, Crofton and Petts Wood.