There's no such thing as an LGBTQ+ Community says Conservative Councillor

The Conservative Group stopped Bromley Council reaching a consensus on the condemnation of an LGBTQ+ hate crime in Bromley Town and providing full support for the LGBTQ+ community.
The Labour motion on LGBTQ+ equality condemned the recent hate crime that took place in Bromley Town Centre when someone attacked a primary school floral display (part of the Floral Fest exhibition of planters) for homophobic reasons. The motion committed the Council to supporting the LGBTQ+ people living in Bromley. All Lib Dem councillors fully supported this motion. However, the Conservative group then tabled an amendment to the motion, removing any mention of LGBTQ+ and blaming the Labour Mayor of London for the rise in homophobic hate crime. Needless to say the Lib Dem unanimously voted against this amendment.
During the heated debate that followed, Conservative Councillor Marlow declared that "there is no such thing as an LGBTQ+ community”. Lib Dem Councillor Will Connolly said he found Cllr Marlow's comments offensive.
"To deny that the LGBTQ+ community exists is appalling. The community is built on a shared sense of solidarity, protest, and celebration. It is shocking that we still have to raise these issues in a London borough in 2023. Clearly we still have to stand up for and fight for the rights of all our residents and minorities in Bromley.”
The majority Conservative Group voted through their amended motion. As it still included a condemnation of the hate crime incident, the Liberal Democrat group felt they could not oppose it, but they condemned the Conservative group for politicising a motion that could have sent an important message of support to the LGBTQ+ community in Bromley.