Bromley is up for sale!

Bromley Council have announced plans to sell off significant buildings across Bromley including the Civic Centre, Community House in Bromley, Beckenham Public Halls, the cottage and depot at Church House Gardens and the Council’s remaining interest in The Glades.
The decision of the Executive is yet to be agreed at a forthcoming full Council meeting on 12 December but it is likely to be approved unless we manage to persuade the Conservative councillors that some of our important heritage buildings, many used by community and public groups, should be protected for future generations.
The Council are looking for ways to save on the huge repair bill it’s facing for many of these buildings, many of which have been so poorly maintained that they’re now uneconomic to bring up to acceptable standards. Other buildings are being sold in order to boost Council’s reserves or because they’re surplus to requirements.
The buildings or properties being sold include:
Civic Centre – the council are going to relocate their offices including council chamber to the Direct Line Building at the top of Westmoreland Road. The old offices are in a bad state of repair and a move to a modern office block is sensible. However, it’s important that the old Palace building is protected, that the park remains in public ownership with access protected, and that any development on this site is in keeping with the nearby heritage buildings.
Community House Bromley – this building is leased to several community groups and charities on a subsidized lease. The loss of this asset would be a major blow to community groups – we’re waiting to hear more details about what conditions can be attached to the sale.
Beckenham Public Halls – a much loved community space in Beckenham, Conservative councillors have repeatedly assured the public that they will look for a community operator to take over the building.
Church House Gardens – Depot and Cottage – this is likely to be sold as a development site, seriously affecting a valued open space and park in the centre of Bromley near to Bromley Parish Church
Churchill Theatre and Library are also under threat. While not listed as for sale there’s a paragraph in the council officers’ report that question the “sustainability” of this key landmark in Bromley, and a vital part of Bromley’s nightlife.
Bromley’s Conservatives are always boasting of their financial accumen, but their continuous neglect of assets like the Beckenham Public Halls and having to sell it off in such a state of disrepair in a recession does not reflect good financial management.
The full list of properties to be disposed of is:
Former Allotment site at Goddard Road, Clock House Ward
Church House Gardens Depot, Bromley Town Ward
Chipperfield Road (Leased to BVGA), Cray Valley West
Community House (Leased to Community House Trustees), Bromley Town Ward
Bertha James Centre, Bromley Town Ward
Beckenham Halls, Beckenham Ward
Church House Gardens Cottage and Parkfield Rec Lodge, Bromley Town/Petts Wood Wards