Bromley South Station - a priority for investment

Everyone who uses Bromley South in the peak hours knows just how busy it is. We first contacted Network Rail in 2017 to express concerns, and we have now received an acknowledgement that the station has one of the highest needs for improvement in the South Eastern network.
Network Rail have told us that the station has been identified as a priority for improving the capacity. While this probably means that improvements are still some years away - funding post Covid is still a major issue for the train operators - it does at least mean that some feasibility studies are now being carried out. We're told these studies are likely to be completed early in 2024 at which point we'll be able to meet the team and feed in some local suggestions. There's likely to be consideration of how to increase capacity both in terms of trains and passengers, particularly including platform capacity and alternative access points.
For regular users of Bromley South you'll be aware just how packed it can be during peak hours. Recently the seating on the London bound platforms has been removed to make more space for passengers, which has itself caused problems to travellers with restricted mobility who use the station at off peak times.
We're also continuing to pursue the problems with the access road to Waitrose which is permanently blocked by parked cars causing delays for shoppers entering and leaving the supermarket and crucially meaning that travellers with restricted mobility do not have a safe place to get dropped off by car. This is an issue that needs to be resolved between the Council and the Police - we continue to chase both parties but whatever the complexities the issue is taking far too long to resolve.
The Lib Dem councillors will be joining other councillors from across the borough at the upcoming Public Transport Forum to raise questions with TfL, bus providers, Southeastern as well as Network Rail and the Licensed Taxi Drivers Assoc. If you have additional concerns you'd like us to raise please send an email to