Have your say: consultation on housing allocation scheme

The London Borough of Bromley has opened a consultation on its proposed updates to the council's housing allocations scheme, which outlines how residents in need of social housing will be prioritised on the Housing Needs Register.
Residents, stakeholders and organisations are encouraged to respond, with the consultation period closing on 18 December 2023.
Proposed revisions include a plan to introduce a hybrid housing allocations scheme, meaning a greater proportion of lets will be ‘direct offers’, with the rest being advertised online via the council’s lettings system. Direct offers will be made to those who have been identified as high priority for housing, and the council hopes the proposals will result in a more responsive service for residents.
Other changes to the proposed scheme include:
- Adjustments to the priority awarded to homeless households in order to support a reduction in the use of temporary accommodation
- Revision of the priority bandings
- Adjustments to support the armed forces covenant and domestic abuse bill.
- Legislative updates, taking into account the Data Protection Act 2018 and contained within the General Data Protection Regulation 2018 (GDPR) and the Domestic Abuse Act 2021