Orpington Football Club’s plans for a new sports hub in Goddington Park

Orpington FC have submitted planning permission for a new pavilion in Goddington Park. This will provide an improved modern facility that will help facilitate the club’s stated goals in inclusivity and community development.
The club organised a community consultation session that was held in May and local residents heard about the plans to reposition the sports pavilion, create new access from the car park and to landscape the area. The pavilion will have new changing facilities, accessible toilets and a cafe with seating for local community groups to use as a venue for meetings, classes and other events.
You can see more details on the Bromley Council planning portal - https://searchapplications.bromley.gov.uk/online-applications/applicationDetails.do?activeTab=makeComment&keyVal=RX25GZBT00V00.
The Liberal Democrats have some concerns about public transport and parking, but we hope these should be addressed during the planning process. Subject to these we welcome this plan to increase the facilities locally and build a better modern venue that the whole community can benefit from.
For further information on the proposal from the club itself please follow this link.