Have your say: consultation on housing allocation scheme
Bromley Council has opened a consultation on proposed changes to its housing allocation scheme, which determines how social housing is allocated and let across the Borough.
Bromley Council has opened a consultation on proposed changes to its housing allocation scheme, which determines how social housing is allocated and let across the Borough.
After months of secrecy, Bromley's Conservative Executive Committee has finally admitted that they are going to dispose of the freehold of the Theatre and Library so it can be redeveloped.
Conservative MP for Beckenham, Bob Stewart has today been found guilty of a racially aggravated public order offence when he told an activist to “go back to Bahrain” in December 2022. He has been fined £600 plus costs.
The Liberal Democrats have announced that their candidate for the Hayes and Coney Hall by-election on 7th December will be local resident Tudor Griffiths. Tudor and his family have lived in Hayes for over 20 years.
The meeting was attended by representatives from Southeastern, Network Rail, Transport for London, Stagecoach, GoAhead, a London Taxi representative - a great opportunity for Lib Dem Councillors to get stuck in on transport issues residents raise with us.
Bromley Lib Dems’ proposal to the Council to increase and improve public toilet provision across the borough was voted down by Conservative Councillors at the Council meeting on 16th October 2023.